Our Philosophy


There is no absolute truth in our statements, conclusions, and theories because we leave the door open for discoveries that could influence our present ideologies. 

We approach all of our conversations fluidly,
which allow us to adapt to new truth.
Theo Chambers

Theo is the Greek word for God.  THEOism is a lifestyle that integrates the Cosmic Laws of Nature into its daily activities.  We believe in the theory that we live 24/7 within our body; therefore, we are the master of The Universe Within.

THEOism is not a religion. It does not have preachers, spiritual leaders, shamans, or ministers to teach. 

THEOism is a lifestyle whose principles are to live in harmony with nature by putting the Planet Earth (Gaia) first before our material desires. 

THEOism philosophy believes that within each living creature, including humans, exists the Creative Force of Nature (whom some call God).

We also accept the present truth that there are no known external forces that can define any one of us besides our internal world created by our own belief, ideology, philosophy, and understanding of creation.

THEOism practitioners work tirelessly to execute our fiduciary duty to live in harmony with nature.

THEOism is a series of conversations based on Socratic principles, which are a form of cooperative argumentative dialogs between individuals by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking.

THEOism has no beginning or end.  Our conversations are focused on understanding The Universe Within, which in turn makes us better able to understand the external Cosmic World.

To successfully participate and benefit from the many THEOism Conversations we will be having; you must temporarily put on hold your religious dogma, political philosophy, lifestyle, preferences, and all other beliefs.

You must enter the THEOism Temple of Inner Peace with an open and analytical mind, in search of truth, and better understanding of The Universe Within

THEOism conversations are like an Ancestry Wormhole (essentially a shortcut through the universe).   

It creates a shortcut for you to better understand yourself by allowing you to travel in time through your DNA to meet, speak with, and to understand the journeys of your Ancestors all who are ALIVE and living in your DNA.

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My Spiritual Journey


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Saturday, 27 July 2024
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