My Spiritual Journey

My_Spiritual_Journey Theo Chambers

I was about 12 to14 years old when my mentor, Professor Alfred Rowe (Now An Ancestor), took me to the beach around 6:00 a.m. one morning in Colon, Panama. 

We sat on a big rock overlooking the ocean when he asked me to describe what I saw on the ocean floor. 

human footsteps copyI told him that I could see fish, stones, crabs, broken glass, and many other things. 

We spent that morning discussing the philosophy of the Mystic Order of the Rose Cross, better known as the Rosicrucian. 

I learned a lot that day when, surprisingly, around 1:00 p.m., he asked me again to describe what I was seeing.

I said that I could not give him a description of anything because the water was rough and muddy. 

Professor Rowe then turned to me and said, “That Is Life. 

One minute it’s bright and sunny, and in a few hours, days, weeks or months, misery and chaos show its ugly face, but if you wait long enough, happiness and joy will return just like the ocean will become calm and crystal clear again.”

I learned that day that Joy and Misery are two sides of the same coin.  Everything in life has its time and space to manifest, disappear, and reappear again.


To master life’s changes, one must learn to dance with nature’s changing rhythms
without losing a beat!




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