Conimac Conimac McKithen

Life, a simple term that describes a very complex state of affairs and the ability to master one's existence, is the topic that the book "THEOism" introduces.

A great friend, who happens to be a published author, Theo Chambers, penned his latest work to look in-depth at Life, Existence, Purpose, and how we can best be the Gatekeepers of our greatest gift from the Universe.

Writing a blueprint to share, this book gives an insightful, in-depth look at how individuals can assume a position that will serve as a steward to the Gift of Life that we are given. 

Theo is a many-faceted writer, prolifically, and strategically touching on the delicate blueprint of creation. 

His latest work focuses on how we are born with no previous assignment in life, only a transitory expiry date that to some degree of lifestyle choices, we can certainly commandeer! 

Reading this work will help us to train and protect our bodies as the temples they were meant to be. 

THEOism is Chambers's wake up call to the consciousness of the reader.

With his poignant, yet subtle style of writing, the THEOism practitioner will evolve into an energy source that perpetuates an inquisitive mind.

This work will teach us to be conduits in our children's lives, not the mastermind of their plan.

Reading THEOism will help one to understand that God, the Creator, gives us all the ability to perform at our maximum potential and perform miracles beyond explanation. 

What is Success in Life, find out before your Transitory Earthly Vacation Passport expires...

Conimac McKithen, M.Ed

Promoter Music, Theater & Boxing

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